Meet Mike Nicholas
First off, I’m old enough to have made most of life’s major mistakes that figure prominently on Santa’s Naughty List. If you’re looking for “Saint Nicholas” instead of “Mike Nicholas”, then that’s probably a different webpage!
Secondly, the point of this site, and the focus of my current outreach with the book, podcast, and social media efforts is to share with you the “Spiritual Awakening” journey on which I embarked a few years ago, following the very difficult death of our younger son.
I grew up in a very structured, left-brained environment: the oldest of seven children, Catholic grade school and high school, and then the United States Military Academy at West Point. That was followed by years as an Army Officer in combat arms assignments and deployments, then time as a network systems engineer, a professional project manager, and many years as a leader of teams of highly talented people.

I served for over 15 years in the Pentagon as a civilian contractor, and I was in the building on 9-11. I believed in the work we were doing, and I was surrounded every day by dedicated people. It was only a heart attack that I suffered as I was shoveling snow out of my driveway, that forced me to leave the Pentagon.
After so many years of structured thinking, however, the result was that I had a very black and white view of life. To me, spiritual matters such as meditation or any deep discussions on our soul were pure silliness.
I always felt that there was “something more”, and I sometimes wondered about my life’s trajectory and how I got to where I was, but I spent very little time sitting and contemplating my navel.
It was always, “Evaluate the courses of action, make a decision, then get moving.” Every decision and all my actions were shaped by pragmatism.
To sum it up, I pretty much agreed with the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes, who stated in his book Leviathan, “The life of man [is] solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”
That all changed starting in the late winter of 2020, just as the COVID pandemic began to spread. My wife and I were rocked by the loss of our younger son, Matt, from liver disease (on the left in the photo above.)
The COVID restrictions meant that we could not visit him in the hospital during the last few weeks of his life, and we were also unable to have a funeral or to mourn and bury him properly.
But from that crushing experience has come something completely unexpected. In mid-2020, my wife and I began to experience unusual paranormal phenomena that eventually convinced us that our son still existed in some form of consciousness, and that he was still able to communicate with us!
Frankly, my left-brain senses were reeling, and I resisted what we were experiencing. I had to test and evaluate every strange observation we made.
But I also started reading and listening to everything I could find on spiritual matters, our soul’s “journey”, mediums, reincarnation, past-life regressions, meditation, automatic writing, manifestation, aliens, you name it!
To top it off, during one session with a medium, our son came through and he told me to write a book about my transformation and the “unleashing” of my soul. He said that my sharing of this transformation could help others.
The “old me” would have thought the “new me” was completely nuts!
Do you wonder about these things? Are you the type of person whose life is very structured, but you feel there is more? Do you wonder about the purpose of YOUR life?
That’s the journey that I am on, and I hope to help you to ask the right questions, to “evaluate the courses of action” if you will, and to find inner clarity as you navigate the very personal path of your own life.