by Mike Nicholas | Apr 18, 2023 | Uncategorized
In this episode, I discuss the concept of manifesting what you want, and I relate it to my wife's continued recovery in the hospital. I explain it because I want you to know that you can do this too! Dooley, Mike. Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your...
by Mike Nicholas | Apr 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
What if there was no past, present or future, but only the present? The now? What if outside of our earth experience – in Heaven or the Universe or wherever – there was no “Time”, there is no PAST or FUTURE….only the present? What...
by Mike Nicholas | Apr 11, 2023 | Uncategorized
Is suffering in your lifetime something noble? Should it be some kind of goal? Have you ever been told that suffering is “from God” or to “offer it up”? In this podcast, I use this period of Easter to discuss some of these thoughts. St....
by Mike Nicholas | Apr 6, 2023 | Uncategorized
This podcast provides another example of how “Thoughts Become Things”. I use a very personal example of how I deliberately attempted to use this principle, and how it made a difference for me. You can do the same things! Here are two great references:...
by Mike Nicholas | Apr 4, 2023 | Uncategorized
This brief podcast discusses how today's technology can help you with your spiritual awareness practices. We all know about the negative impacts of cell phones, the internet, and social media. I argue that we are much better off today, in terms of help with our...
by Mike Nicholas | Mar 30, 2023 | Uncategorized
Do you ever wonder why some prayers are answered and others seem to remain ignored? To whom do you pray? To God? A favorite Saint? The Universe? There is a “scientific” process that involves the subconscious mind that explains how prayer works! In this...