Welcome to some examples of what started me on my “Soul Unleashed” journey! In mid-2020, during the depths of our grief over the loss of our son, and during the confusion and fear of the pandemic, something or someone started to reach out to us.
We found comfort in this experience and wish to share it.
On 17 May 2020, I tried to go out and hit some golf balls at a driving range. It was something that I did often with our son, Matt, and I had not done it since he got sick in 2019.

But ever the “left-brainer”, I had a list of things I wanted to accomplish that day, and one of those tasks was to install a few new Amazon Blink security cameras that had arrived a few days earlier. I set one outside and one inside the house.

Early the next morning, at about 20 minutes past midnight, my phone pinged and woke me up. I had no clue what the sound meant and I looked at my phone. It said that the inside camera had alerted. I jumped up out of bed, thinking that I had just installed the camera and already someone was busting in our back door!
It stopped me in my tracks, and it started a series of discoveries, tests, and breathtaking experiences with these apparitions. I refer to them as “orbs” not only because of their obvious shape, but that there are already many pictures of such things on the internet.
However, I've never seen anything like the videos I will share with you. They are all taken with infrared light and use different cameras and phones.
My book The Soul Unleashed explains the full story surrounding these experiences and what I did to test and validate them. Here you will find just a few of my favorites, with explanations.