#64 A Deeper Look at the Akashic Records and The Book of Life and Your Soul's Journey
In this podcast, I spend some time discussing: A comparison of The Book of Life versus The Akashic Records. What are the four main differences? Origins Purpose Access Content What belief systems utilize the concept of The Akashic Records? Hinduism Theosophy...
#63 Is there a Book of Life or something called The Akashic Records?
This is a short teaser episode about the concept of The Akashic Records. I'll develop this concept in a future podcast, with particular emphasis on someone who can read Akashic Records, and why that might be important to you.
#62 You Can See Orbs Too, and Five Major Characteristics of Orbs
In this podcast, I discuss the reality of orbs and what they mean, including some history of orb sightings, and picture vs. video orbs. Referenced in the podcast: Dr. Klaus Heinemann: BOOK: "Phenomena" (https://www.healingguidance.net/books) ARTICLES:...
#61 Sixty Seconds for your Soul: What are Interplanetary Souls vs Earth Bound Souls?
Ok. Back to crazy-town. This is just a quick introduction. This is a fascinating topic but one that, just a few years ago, I would have thought was the province of nut-jobs. The lady to whom I refer in the podcast is Linda Backman, Ed.D, author of "Souls on Earth:...
#60 You Are Not Your Body, But An Infinite Timeless Form of Energy
In this podcast I talk about a more positive aspect of our souls, that we are timeless and infinite, and that our bodies do not define who we are.
#59 Where do Exorcisms and Evil Demons fit into Your Spiritual Paradigm?
In this podcast, I touch on the "third rail" and question the concept of Satan and his evil demons, whose mission is to possess souls, and therefore make it necessary for exorcists to rescue us. As I've gone through this "Soul Unleashed" experience, I've come to...
#58 An Example of Manifesting Synchronicities and Coincidences
In this podcast I talk about a recent example of how the Universe arranged a coincidence that helped me with something I needed to get done! See if you can spot these kind of synchronicities in your own life!
#57 What Lessons Have You Learned in the Past 6 Months?
February 3d was a significant anniversary for me. It has been six months since my wife fell, hit her head, and went into a coma. In this podcast I reflect on what lessons I have learned over the past 6 months. Some of them surprised me.
#56 Do our loved ones in Spirit watch us do THAT in the bedroom?
This is a quick 60 Seconds for Your Soul podcast, where I answer a question posed by another listener in response to an earlier podcast. It is certainly something that I wondered about, too!
#55 How would you live life differently if you knew your soul could not fail?
In this podcast, I discuss the concept that our souls are perfect and eternal, that we leave that perfection for an "adventure" in this illusory world, and that our souls will return to that perfect state when we die. We cannot be harmed, we cannot fail, we are...